Friday, November 14, 2008


Well I finally broke down and got a 46" Sharp Aquos. I love it. I don't have cable or satellite but I now can start my blu-ray movie collection. I've had a PS3 so I have a player. Of course the games. Yeah, I enjoy a little action/adventure in the gaming world. I recently played and completed Forces Unleashed and Fable 2. Both were fun. I think I'll revisit Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4 in Hi-Def. I may even try out Grand Theft Auto and the other games I already own. Of course Halo rocks on it. I have two Xbox 360's and one contracted the red ring of death. Freak'n Microsoft uses a system for their shipping that doesn't recognize my address as a valid address. Hello?! I've been living here all my life. So I emailed customer support and they said to do this, which is the process I just went through. So one is still working but Microsoft is starting to piss me off. Anyways, Melissa bought Planet Earth, a BBC series on earth. It's sweet. You can see the grains of sand on the beach shots and the twinkling reflection of the sun in the snow shots. Very nice!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have this black T-shirt with the Superman "S" on it. I wore it a few weeks ago and my sister Melissa and I went to the grocery store. We walked around and bought all our crap and we were waiting in line. An elderly lady (I may be closing in on mid 30's, but 50ish is still old to me) was in line behind us with only an armful of goods while we had a cart full. I politely invited her to go ahead and step ahead of us. She said thanks and seemed to be a really sweet old lady. She saw the Superman shirt and went on and on about me being Superman. She did it so much that the sweetness fed into my bitterness. I even caught myself thinking "Maybe I shouldn't have let you cut in line." So the cashier jumps on the Superman bandwagon and went on and on. I flashed a couple courtesy smiles and threw out a couple courtesy laughs but just happy to get the hell out of there. So here we are a few weeks later. I had my Superman shirt on once again. I was at the post office. In line ahead of me were three old people. Two grandmas and one grandpa. It's always the old people. I happen to somewhat know the grandmas. One caught eye and so I smiled and said "Hi". And off we go... Superman this and Superman that.... Grandpa was all getting into it too. Then I notice at the counter is another lady I know. With her is her little boy, who also I know. I saw him playing with the little toy thing they have there. Now this is a kid I actually like, there are only a small handful of those. He saw me and ran to his mom which he's done before, usually at his house when I go to visit. "Mom. Mom. Garret.", he would say pointing at me. So he reaches his mom "Mom. Mom. Superman." I was thinking "No, it's not stupid Superman, it's Garret." Ha ha. So as I waited in line she got finished with her business we said our Hellos and the little boy was asking his mom if I really was Superman. So it's cute when little kids I like say it but annoying as hell when the elderly do. So should I suck it up and enjoy it the Superman attention or should I burn the shirt?