Friday, November 14, 2008


Well I finally broke down and got a 46" Sharp Aquos. I love it. I don't have cable or satellite but I now can start my blu-ray movie collection. I've had a PS3 so I have a player. Of course the games. Yeah, I enjoy a little action/adventure in the gaming world. I recently played and completed Forces Unleashed and Fable 2. Both were fun. I think I'll revisit Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty 4 in Hi-Def. I may even try out Grand Theft Auto and the other games I already own. Of course Halo rocks on it. I have two Xbox 360's and one contracted the red ring of death. Freak'n Microsoft uses a system for their shipping that doesn't recognize my address as a valid address. Hello?! I've been living here all my life. So I emailed customer support and they said to do this, which is the process I just went through. So one is still working but Microsoft is starting to piss me off. Anyways, Melissa bought Planet Earth, a BBC series on earth. It's sweet. You can see the grains of sand on the beach shots and the twinkling reflection of the sun in the snow shots. Very nice!


Anonymous said...

Well I have an HDTV but I don't have a player but I might get on for Christmas if I am good.

Steve said...

You already BEAT FABLE!? Sheesh! You just got it! Now what am I supposed to play when I come over? lol

Lauren said...

What IS this? You REALLY need to get your 360's fixed before I visit again, it could be any day now, haha.